動画配信プラットフォーム Adobe Media Server

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HOMEコラム > Adobe Media Serverでのハング/クラッシュの問題のトラブルシューティング

Adobe Media Serverでのハング/クラッシュの問題のトラブルシューティング4/5



<Master> <!-- Enable fast shutdown of core. --> <FastCoreShutdown>true</FastCoreShutdown> <!-- How often to gc idle cores. --> <CoreGC>300</CoreGC> <!-- An idle core being gc'd is given at least this much to exit on its own. --> <CoreExitDelay>20</CoreExitDelay> </Master>






<Master> <!-- Enable fast shutdown of core. --> <FastCoreShutdown>true</FastCoreShutdown> <!-- If a core hangs while shutdown and fast shutdown of core is enabled then you can run a diagnostic process to take statitics of shutting down core. Path is the absolute path to the executable: /usr/bin/perl Or c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe on Windows Args: Arguments to the process like the script to be executed: /tmp/diagnostic.sh -d Or /c E:\ams\Utils\shell\diagnostic.bat arg1 WaitTime: Time in seconds to wait for the diagnostic process to run before core is shutdown --> <DiagnosticProcess> <Path>c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe</Path> <Args>/c C:\ams\Utils\shell\diagnostic.bat arg1 </Args> <WaitTime>30</WaitTime> </DiagnosticProcess> <!-- How often to gc idle cores. --> <CoreGC>300</CoreGC> <!-- An idle core being gc'd is given at least this much to exit on its own. --> <CoreExitDelay>20</CoreExitDelay> </Master>

